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He was born on June 29th, 1953 in Damishar village, El Minya with the name Wagieh Zaki Takla. He moved to Cairo with the family in 1964. Fr. Mina graduated with a Bachelor degree from the School of Education Ain Shams University in 1975 majored in Biology and Chemistry. In 1984 he earned a B.A. in Theological Studies from the Coptic Seminary in Cairo. He also earned a diploma from the Institute of Education and Welfare. H.H Pope Shenoda III ordained Fr. Mina priest in St. George Land Geneina church in November 28, 1986. Fr. Mina served at the church of St. George El Zawya El hamra for 41 months in addition to his server at St. George Land Genenina. Through the grace of the Lord and the intercession of St. Mina, Fr. Mina established St. Mina church in the Dreams city. He led the first service in St. Mina Church on the commemoration day of St. Mina the wonder worker martyrdom November 25th, 1995. Fr. Mina served in several churches in the United States as well. Fr. Mina currently prays and serves the Lord in our church in Richmond Virginia, the Church of the Archangel Michael & Saint Anthony Coptic Orthodox Church since April 20th, 2013. May the Lord Almighty bless his service at the church of Archangel Michael & St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox in Richmond, VA. We pray that with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and through the intercession of the Mother of Light, our Lady the Theotokos, the Holy Virgin Mary, and the prayers of Pope Tawadros II, that we start building our new site Church of St. Mary in Glen Allen in the very near future.
Last Updated: 2018-07-28 11:52:31