Very Rev. Fr. Abrahim Aziz Gindi Hegomen
Bellflower, California USA
Contact Information:
Phone #: (562) 804-1073
Fax #: (562) 804-1073
Diocese of Los Angeles
- St. George Church
Bellflower, California
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Father Abrahim Aziz Gindi earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering and Architecture.
He was ordained by His Grace Bishop Shenouda (before becoming Pope) on April 18, 1962, and was promoted to the priestly rank of Hegomen in 1968.
He served in the Church of Saint Mary & Saint Rueiss in Egypt from 1962 to 1980; Saint Mark Church in Los Angeles, California for five months in 1971; and Saint Mary Church in Los Angeles for 6 months between 1975 and 1976. He is currently serving in Saint George Church in Bellflower, California.
Last Updated: 2010-11-02 19:46:43